God Is For Us

Elevenses Teatime Tea-Time Meditation

This morning as I prepared for my day, my thoughts were filled with a lot of negatives. But God interrupted my thoughts with His words,    “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Instantly, my thoughts were lifted, in faith, to a positive, peaceful place of praise. And I couldn’t help repeating those words over and over in my heart and mind, as I prepared breakfast; being assured, down in my soul, that the Lord loves me and cares about all my concerns.

Likewise, be encouraged, today and every day, by those same words from the Lord, our God. I say that because WE can sometimes be our own worst enemy, allowing negative thoughts to thwart our faith and belief in the power of Almighty God, to move on our behalf.  Always know that negative thoughts laden with fear and doubt are designed to highlight our imperfections and inadequacies; a tool of the enemy used to hinder and defeat us.  Only remember, “greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world.” (I John 4:4)  Therefore, hear the word of the Lord, and know, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” 

Today, I move forward embracing everything positive; believing in the person God created me to be; trusting God’s word and wisdom, exclusively; and rejoicing in the Lord, always!!!


