
A Word of Faith Tea-Time Meditation

Intuition is a God-given sense of knowing a truth, what some would call a sixth sense.  It’s like an internal sensor that triggers our instincts with a hunch, a gut feeling, an inkling of suspicion, knowing a truth.  Intuition then, discerns those instinctive triggers giving us insight, awareness, truth and clarity without a reasoning process or having been told or taught.  God created us with this amazing tool to help us navigate through life.  And when we are in tune with our intuition, God will guide us through uncertain terrain and help us to see, hear, sense and discern the truths we are seeking.  Are you seeking answers today? 

Our intuition often senses those unspoken words, attitudes, nuances and seemingly trivial things that we cannot explain.  Unfortunately, we sometimes dismiss those things and throw them out of our mind, onto a pile of what we consider “random, meaningless thoughts and feelings.”   And then, one day, down the road, something happens and all those “random, meaningless thoughts and feelings” that lay on that pile, become glaring, bright lights, as a reminder that our sense of knowing (intuition) was right, all along.  But if we are not aware or mature enough to understand and trust that part of our being, we may miss some vital messages and find ourselves in hurtful, difficult and troubling situations, all because we were not in tune with our internal sensors.  How many times have we heard someone say, “I sensed something, felt something, knew something;” but then, didn’t heed those internal warning signals?

I was an adult…older adult, before I really tuned into my intuition.  It took a lot of self-reflection and being honest with myself about what I’d felt, saw, sensed and perceived at various times, in my life experiences with people.  However, when I tuned into my intuition, so many things became clear, I was able to acknowledge the truths my intuition had revealed to me, along my way.  It really is a matter of understanding and learning to trust it, instead of pushing it aside.  What hindered my intuition, most, was being naïve, immature, inexperienced, taking people at face value and not knowing how to trust my intuitive sensors.  Are you in tune with your intuition?

Remember that God-created our intuition which will always give us the truth. That quiet inner voice of wisdom that tells us, this is not for you, don’t do this or that, that feeling that you’ve done or said something wrong. That look in someone’s eyes that let’s you know that they are not into you, for whatever the reason; or that thought that you’re with the wrong crowd, going in the wrong direction, in a bad situation.  Don’t dismiss the discernment and understanding of your God-given, sense of knowing (intuition) as a passing, meaningless thought … pay attention! 

The two most important lessons learned here for me are: 1) To always be honest with myself and willing to accept the truth, rather than, what I (or you) want the truth to be.  Try setting aside your emotions, and check in with your true feelings, your fears, and the truths at the core of your being.   Learn to receive and appreciate the truth, even when it hurts, it’s okay.  Practice tuning into your intuition; being open to God in your inner spirit; being cognizant of the nuances of expression; looking into one’s eyes; paying attention to what people say or don’t say, and then watch carefully what they do.  And 2) Before we blame others for what we did not do (trust our intuition); please note, we all must bear the responsibility for our actions, inactions, decisions and choices in life. 

In the end, there is freedom in learning, loving, forgiving others and forgiving ourselves.  What is your intuition telling you about your situation, today? The word of the Lord, declares, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32)  


