A Prayer for Healing

A Word of Faith

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)

Dear Lord, We acknowledge You as the Eternal God of creation. We humble ourselves and confess that we have sinned and fallen short of your holy standards.  Please forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Thank You for Your promise to forgive our confessed sins in I John 1:9. Please have mercy on us Lord, for we need Your healing, comfort, help and mercy throughout the land. 

Lord God, please give us strength to endure and to be mindful of Your instructions for the healing of the land in II Chronicles 7:14: [Paraphrased] “to humble ourselves, to pray, seek your face and turn from our wicked ways.  Then we will hear from heaven, have our sins forgiven and healing in the land.”

Lord, for all that You have done, are doing right now and will do in the future, We Thank You! We Praise You! We Love You and exalt Your holy and righteous name! In Jesus Name. AMEN!


