Take Time to Smell the Roses – Learn, Love and Live


AgingGracefullee can mean many things to many people. And I hope to talk more about some of those things along this journey. But for me, the most poignant meaning for AgingGracefullee is about an inspired lifestyle of learning, loving and living:

Learning how to appreciate my teachers, past and present; living a life enriched with the wisdom of God, to face the challenges life will certainly throw my way; having the courage to stand up for myself, speak and live my truth; loving the Lord our God, and learning how to forgive, and keep on forgiving, myself, and others in the process. When I do these things, a refreshing, gracefulness and inner peace emerges from within that only comes by the grace of God. It is my belief that life is our classroom, God is our teacher, and we are the students He is preparing for great things. Therefore, my moto is to take time to smell the roses and learn, love, live and forgive, while AgingGracefullee.
