The Advent Season

AG Daily Inspiration

The Advent season begins four Sundays before Christmas and is observed in commemoration of the birth of Jesus the Christ. (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Luke 1:30,31).  Advent is a period of waiting, preparation, and anticipation of Christmas when the day of Christ’s birth is celebrated with hope, love, peace, and joy.

The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word “adventus,” which means “coming or arrival.” 

Therefore, Christians today live in a perpetual season of Advent, as we eagerly await the “Coming of the Lord” (the Day of Christ, the “Rapture”), as promised in Acts 1:9-11; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:51-53; and the “Second Coming of Christ” when He returns to judge, make war, and to establish His kingdom on earth (Matthew 24:29-31; 25:31-34; Revelation 19:11-16). 


The Advent Wreath symbolizes our season of waiting, preparation, and anticipation with white, pink and purple candles:

  • White – represents the Christ Candle, placed in the center of the Advent Wreath.
  • Purple – represents the hope, love, and peace of God.
  • Pink – represents the joy of the Lord.

The significance of the candles is to remind us that we can always look to Jesus (symbolical of the white Christ Candle), and know that we have access to His love, hope and peace, (represented by the purple candles). And that in the mist of our worldly struggles and troubles, we can access the joy of the Lord (represented by the pink candle), no matter what is going on.

Lord, God Almighty, we thank You for coming into this world, into our hearts, and for the Advent Season of Christmas, when we commemorate Your birth, Your sacrificial gift of Love and Your abundance of blessings. Therefore, we continue in preparation and anticipation, as we look forward to Your return in the “Rapture” and Your “Second Coming,” and we do so, with hope, love, peace, and joy.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


