“The Secret Place” & “A Special Quiet Space”

A Word of Faith

In this chaotic world, it seems we are bombarded everyday with negative and disheartening information and images; The worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic and the scramble for a vaccine; who to trust and who not to trust?  The heartbreaking disregard of another black life (Breonna Taylor) and another hurtful act of racial injustice; peaceful protesters marching and standing for justice; and the resurgence of civil unrest and disturbance in the land. It leaves one to wonder, is there peace anywhere?

There is Peace in the “Secret Place of the Most High”

Psalms 91, reminds us that there is peace in knowing that when we “dwell in the secret place of the Most High, our lives are covered by so many of God’s blessings. That “secret place” is in the “presence of God.” We enter into His presence when we communion with Him through prayer, reading His word and quietly listening to Him speak to our hearts, from His word. Although there is much work yet to be done, in the struggle for racial equality in our Nation, there are times when we need a little peace, along the way. 

Moreover, Psalms 91 says, when we make the Lord, the Most High, our dwelling place, put our trust in Him, set our love upon Him and know His name; He promises to provide for us, protect and cover us, keep and deliver us, honor and satisfy us, and show us His salvation. Therefore, with the abundance of those blessings, we can be at peace knowing that God is Sovereign and ALWAYS in control, even when things appear out of control.  Though we may become weary, we press forward and use our God-given abilities to help and serve where we can; knowing that God hears our prayers, and will answer them according to His will, in His time, in His way, and by His might.

Find Peace in Your Special Quiet Space or Private Prayer Room

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”(NKJV)

Matthew 6:6

A quiet space is where we can retreat to be quiet and still to commune with God.  Some people call it a “Prayer Room,” a “Prayer Closet,” a “Private Room.”  I call it my, “Special Quiet Space.” 

We all need a quiet space to retreat and pray, whether we are on the front line of the struggle, in a decision-making position of power, being an influencer or a prayer warrior praying for healing, justice and change.  We need to take timeout to be still and quiet to sense God’s presence, direction, and peace.  A designated quiet space is a place where we go to pray and enter into His presence; where He can fill and re-fill our hearts with His wisdom, guidance, strength, peace and love; a place from where we can emerge with a renewed sense of hope in the power of God, our Creator.   

Give yourself permission to “take a break or time-out,” turn off the TV noise, the chatter of social media and retreat to your quiet space.  If you do not have a special quiet space or private prayer room, I encourage you to create one. But please know that God is not limited to any physical prayer room, closet or space. He will hear your prayer RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. Amen!

Tips on Creating Your Quiet Space or Private Prayer Room

Make your quiet space or private prayer room inviting, warm, calm, refreshing, and inspiring.  It does not have to look expensive, chic or beyond your ability to create. It doesn’t require a lakefront or mountain view; perhaps it’s just a cute little corner somewhere in your home, that looks completely opposite of the ugliness we sense, feel and experience in the world.  Make it a SPECIAL quiet space you cannot wait to return to.

Everything you need (Bible, pencil, paper) for your quiet space should already be there, except for perhaps a cup of tea or coffee, bring that with you.  Your space should be graced with the things you love (a soft pillow/warm throw).  For it is where you(we) come to be still, to think and pray, to read the word of the Lord, to get understanding and direction, to feel what you(we) feel, and to cry out to the Lord.  It is where you come for clarity, inspiration, to work, to be creative and productive.  It is where you(we) come to lay our burdens before the Lord, to find comfort, strength and hope for tomorrow. And to let Him re-charge, restore, and replenish our inner spirit, so you(we) can move forward in positive and meaningful ways.

Stand on His Promises

Lord God, Almighty, I choose to “dwell in the secret place of the Most High,” to put my trust in You, to pray about everything and to stand on Your promises in Psalms 91; for Your provision, covering and protection, healing, deliverance and peace. Lord, Please remember the family of Breonna Taylor, and all the other families who have lost loved ones to racial hatred and injustice . Please comfort and strengthen them by Your tender mercies and give them Your peace. I pray that you would go before them and walk with them through every challenge they must face. And please help them in the days, months and years to come, to find comfort in knowing that YOU will be the Final Judge, who will adjudicate justice, for all. I Thank You and Praise You!  In Jesus Name! Amen!


  • Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalms 46:10)
  • The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. (Psalms 24:1)
  • By me princes’ rule, and nobles, All the judges of the earth. I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me. (Proverbs 8:16,17)
  • For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)


