A Special Quiet Space

AG Daily Inspiration Elevenses Teatime

“But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Matthew 6:6 (NKJV)

Do you ever feel like taking some timeout to retreat from all the chaos in the world, just to have some peace and quiet where you can commune with the Lord?  I certainly do!  We all need a designated quiet space where we can retreat, be still and pray.  Some people call it their “Prayer Room,” “Prayer Closet,” I call it my “Special Quiet Space.” 

Give yourself permission to “take a break or time-out,” turn off the TV noise, the chatter of social media and retreat to your quiet space.  If you do not have a designated quiet space or private prayer room, I encourage you to create one.  But please know that God is not limited to a room, closet, or space; He will hear you RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!  Amen!

Tips on Creating Your Quiet Space or Private Prayer Room

Make your quiet space or private prayer room beautiful, warm, inviting, and inspiring.  It does not have to look expensive, chic.  It doesn’t require a lakefront or mountain view; perhaps it’s just a cute little corner somewhere in your home, that’s your designated quiet space; that looks completely opposite of the ugliness we sense, feel and experience in the world. 

Everything you need (Bible, pencil, paper) should already be there, except for perhaps a cup of tea or coffee, bring that with you.  Your space should be graced with the things you love (a soft pillow/warm throw).

For your quiet space is where you come to be still, to think and pray, to read the word of the Lord; so He can fill and re-fill your heart with His wisdom, guidance, peace, strength, and love. It is where you(we) come for clarity, inspiration, to work, to be creative and productive.  It is where you(we) come to feel what you(we) feel, and to cry out to our Lord; to lay our burdens before Him, and let Him re-charge, restore, and replenish our inner spirit, so that you(we) can emerge with a renewed sense of hope in the power of God, our Creator.

Make it a Special Quiet Space where you cannot wait to return to.


