Happy Maundy Thursday

AG Daily Inspiration Elevenses Teatime

What Is Maundy Thursday All About? 

(*Love *Obedience *Prayers *Service *Rememberance *Loyalty)

The Last Supper, Commemoration of the Passover, and Exodus/Deliverance from Egypt, (Luke 22:7-13.)

The Lord’s Supper, Jesus Institutes the New Covenant in Jesus’ Blood.  And He Commands His disciples to, “Do this in rememberance of Me,” (I Corinthians 11:23-26).

Jesus washes His disciples’ feet, as an example and command that we love and serve one another, (John 13: 12-17).

Gethsemane Prayers: Jesus prays for His disciples, for His Cup of Agony/Suffering that was to come. Jesus surrenders to God in obedience, “Not My will, but Yours, be done,” (Luke 22:42).

Jesus is betrayed by Judas, for 30 pieces of sliver and with a kiss (Matthew 26:15; Luke 22: 47-53).


