AgingGracefullee is an inspirational lifestyle blog about my passion for Learning, Loving and Living.

Learning the lessons from seasons past has taught me how to appreciate my teachers, past and present; how to strive to enrich my life with the wisdom of God, to face the challenges life will certainly throw my way; the courage to stand up for myself, speak and live my truth; and how to forgive myself, and forgive others.

Loving the Lord our God (Jesus the Christ), and the person He has created me to be, Who has declared, “I know the thoughts I think toward you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).  God is my hope and He holds my future. He alone knows all there is to know about me, from my beginning to my end; Therefore, to entrust Him with my all is to love Him, and to love Him, is to love all others.

Living for me is a state of being at peace with God, myself and life; having surrendered all my cares and concerns to Him, and choosing to embrace the joy of the Lord, happiness and the beauty of life, no matter what.  Moreover, Living is knowing who I am in God, and to receive, with joy, the gifts and talents, passions and interests God has imbedded in my heart, to utilize for His glory. Living is also about creating a balance in order to enjoy and live life to the fullest with grace and dignity, knowing that this life in its present state, good and bad, is only temporary.  Eternity with the Lord our God, is soon to come!!! And the eternal life He has planned for me (us) is beyond our comprehension, with unimaginable joy.

The gracefulness and inward peace that has emerged from within me from learning, loving and living has only come by the grace of God, experience and age.  For I am of the belief that life is our classroom, God is our teacher, and we are the students He is preparing for great things. Therefore, my motto is to continue AgingGracefullee, while learning, loving and living.  Are you Aginggracefullee?

A younger me, taking time to smell the roses

I hope you enjoy navigating around my site.  It is my space where my gifts and talents are used to express my interests and passions through writing inspirational blog posts, creating handmade inspirational greeting cards & keepsakes, sharing my travel experiences, photographs of stunning table scapes and fashion and beauty tips with women, all, while AgingGracefullee. And during your visit, don’t forget to visit Ms. Ellie’s TeaCake Parlor for an Old Fashioned TeaCake favorite and some Cookielicious Cookies! 

Welcome & Enjoy!!!